Friday, June 1, 2012

The PutzCast Ep. 18

There once was a tale of 2 men who spent a little too much time talking to each other. Then one day a female joined their conversation. The second man felt over powered in the conversation, and was left out. The first man heard the second's lament and rectified the situation. The female was heard swearing by a higher power and fled the conversation. And all of right again.

Welcome back to The PutzCast Podcast! Episode 18! Only one more episode till our Live Episode 20! Zombi and Nappa are riding solo again, but that's ok who needs women anyway? There is always the Double Dutch Rutter.

This time Around we blow our loads on the Megaman Mythos, we discuss the loss of serious talents, we plug our own stuff as well as other peoples and we bitch about redesigned characters.


Link Dump
Beards Going Nowhere By The Protomen, Free of charge!
Episode 17 
The Protomen 
The Megas 
Annihilation of Monsteropolis 
MEGA MAN 2 by Duane & BrandO  
Gotta Run/Be The One: The Megas & Brental Floss 
Megaman Fan Film 
The PutzCast Store 
Matt Burkett's Twitter 
Apollo Z. Hack 
A Reviewaverse Saga Ep. 6 
Steven Ray Brown  
Steven Ray Brown's Facebook 
(Warning!)SRB Titanic(Warning!) 
Avenger Poster Parody by Steven Ray Brown  
Minecraft 360 
Tenacious D: Rize of the Fenix 
The Critic  
Southland Tales Review 
Heavy Metal Review 
South Park Major Boobage 
Angry Joe's Dragons Dogma Review 
Dante Redesign 
Clan of the Gray Wolf 
Rise of the RPG - A History 
Dragon Quest VIII Review

The PutzCast Podcast updates bi-weekly, but we do release videos all the time! So like us on Facebook, Subscribe on iTunes and on YouTube and Follow us on Twitter.

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