Thursday, October 13, 2011

Apollo Z. Hack Interview (The Full Story of Why He Left TGWTG)

When you think of internet reviewers a few names come to mind.
  • The Nostalgia Critic 
  • The Angry Video Game Nerd 
  • Apollo Z. Hack 

And when you think of films makers other names come up like.
  • Quentin Tarantino 
  • George A. Romero 
  • Matt Burkett 

But 2 of these people are one and the same. The Mastermind behind "The Reviewaverse Saga" and I do mean mastermind. But more recently there was a bit of controversy about the mysterious leaving of Apollo from And so far his reasons for leaving have remained a mystery. There were rumors but there is always more to rumors than are apparent.

So here to give the full unabridged story on why he left is Matt "Apollo Z. Hack" Burkett.

Link Dump

Lyrics by Matt Burkett and recorded and sung by Richard Locke Lo of 

Also Apollo said that this will be the last time he ever talks about this so for all who want to know direct them here. Also do you want us to interview anyone else? Apollo has extended the offer to get in contact with other reviewers and critics, so if you want us to then let us know!

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