Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The PutzCast Waiting for a New Episode Time Wasting Special

Ok so recently we haven't been able to record a podcast due to things getting in the way: Dead family, Vacation time and illness. We each got one of the 3! So to make up for the lack of podcasts I'm going to release some audio from what was a writers meeting for an abridged series that devolved into Hank Hill Impressions and just trying make each other laugh. By the end of this i had lost most of my voice and was sick with the flu, true story.

This "Episode" features:
Myself (Zombi)
Sabien (our buddy)
And the occasional pop up of our friend MuklukTheAvenger


We hope you enjoy it and we will be back in a week or so, once Pokky is feeling better and able to talk.

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