Friday, February 24, 2012

The PutzCast Ep. 15

Robots are on the rise to swallow our hearts because through there faulty logic having a heart makes you human. And just like the tin man robots hunger for feelings out of a deep seeded problem in their logic circuits making them simulate emotions, which are nit real which is why they are also witches.

Welcome back to The PutzCast! It has been far too long since the last episode. A mix of personal problems and life changing events have led to this delay but we are back! And you can hear the full story of our wacky adventures in our upcoming musical book: Putzing in the Caribbean! So hey we are back!

This time around we talk about Mass Effect and the uselessness of the original, Why the Star Wars prequels are the best thing to happen to cinema since Zack Snyder, our amazing new artist and of course 3D films among other things.

Link Dump
Pinkies Brew 
My Little Pony Friendship is Witchcraft 
Steven Ray Brown's Blog 
Steven Ray Brown Illustrations Facebook  
Steven Ray Brown Twitter 
Apollo z. Hack 
Golden Critic Awards Ceremony 
The Angry Video Game Nerd Movie 
Paranoia The Writer's Cut 
Plan 9 trailer 
The Binding of Isaac 
Chibi's Cult Classics: Shock Treatment 
Luke Mochrie on TGWTG  
Lies about the Star Wars Prequels 
Planetes Trailer 
Happy Viking 
Reviewtopia v2 
Journey Trailer 
The Basement Couch Geek 
Manic Expressions

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